Through reliable, cutting-edge technology, TPR supports engines that are gentle on the environment, society, and people.The automobile society and next-generation engines face a number of challenges, particularly the need for improved fuel efficiency to more effictivity use limited resources and restrictions on exhaust emissions to halt global warning. TPRV is contributing to development of engines that are gentle on the environment by leveraging its expertise and original technologies.
1:Technology for high fuel efficiency |
 ■Reducing friction for greater engine performance and higher fuel efficiency Vis pursuing optimum materials and surface treatment to develop piston rings that oscillate with less friction, even under high temperatures.
← Mass production of the world's first.1.5mm narrow width,two-piece oil ring,with low
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 ■Reducing engine weight for improving fuel efficiency
We have developed a special cast iron cylinder liner that firmly adheres to aluminum by means of projections on the outer surface. The result is a lighter engine that delivers higher performance.
← Surface of special outer rim cylinder liner
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2:Technology to meet durability called for by emission regulations |
 ■Coating technology provides the improved durability called for by emission regulations
TPRV uses a PVD coating technology and diamond-like carbon (DLC) coating technology for piston rings with greater durability. These advances also extend the operating life of the piston rings.
← Nitrite nano multi-coating
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3:Technology to meet alternative fuel
■Coating technology provides the improved durability , TPRV 'technology to meet alternative fuel
The cases are increasing the use the fuel of alcohol and natural gas instead of gasoline.
If use these alternative fuels, the life time of Piston Ring and Valve Sheet will be short.
TPRV will timely supplies products corresponding to the issue , by use the know-how to develop the surface treatment and materials.
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