- Electrics/ Electronics Parts
Electrics/ Electronics Parts (109)List of companies specializing in manufacturing and providing electric, electronics devices such as light, electronic boards, coils, PCB, barcodes, connectors, charges...Fact-link Vietnam utilize the database of more than 3,000 registered manufacturers and factories and help you to search for suppliers and factories in Vietnam.
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SHINEI SEIKO VIETNAM CO.,LTD Production of transformer and coils such as air cored coil, air cored coil, optical pickup coil, VCM coil, bobbin coil winding, flexible ASSY, magnetic core.
HUNG DUNG CO.,LTD Specializes in manufacturing all kinds of commercial products, electronic components
DIC CORPORATION DIC global company manufacturing adhesive tape, pps compound, ink, chemical
BEMAC Panels Manufacturing Vietnam Co., Ltd.