Vietnam Manufacturing Business Directory

Content Page is for create detail of any information you want such as product detail, activities, machine & process, etc. Content Page can create unlimited.

The strong point of Content Page is 'Detail Column' that you can create unlimited.

Content cannot create if Company Profile is not available.

Click 'Create' button in the column of language you wish to create.
+ Menu Name
Desire menu name relate to content.

+ Title Bar Name
Your company name is default, but you can change as you desire.

+ Order No.
Fill in the order number of menu that will be shown in any pages. Sort by min-to-max.

+ Title, Detail, Image
You can create paragraph about prologue of follow content. And also upload related picture. Only JPG and PNG file will be allowed.

Click 'SAVE' button at the bottom of form when you finish.

- Every textbox that has * in front of label is required information.
- Every textbox that has grey background is global value that will be used for all language.
When you finish Content Page and back to Page Management Control Panel, The name of page you just saved will be appeared with some option icon :


Click at the Content row to add more detail.
Detail Column Management split into 2 sections. List Section on the top and Form Section on the bottom.

+ Order No.
Fill in the order number of Detail Column. Sort by min-to-max.

+ Column Pattern
Select column pattern from list (click here to see type of pattern) to create more impressive detail.

+ Column Title, Column Subtitle
Column Title is required. Column Subtitle is option to explain Column Title. For example, Column Title : Product Name, Column Subtitle : Product Version.

+ Title Color
Can change color of Title from the list in system.

+ Title, Detail, Image
Create content and upload related picture. Only JPG and PNG file will be allowed.

Click 'SAVE' button at the bottom of form when you finish. The Detail Column you just saved will b e appeared in the List Section.

If you would like back to Page Management Control Panel, please click 'Back' at the top-right corner of Form Section.

- Every textbox that has * in front of label is required information.
- Every textbox that has grey background is global value that will be used for all language.
Can view the result page by click
and edit by click

If the result doesn't show, please refresh your browser by hit F5 button on your keyboard.
Detail Column Pattern
You can change pattern of Detail Column to make your information more impressive.
Column Style
Column Style - Left (Image align left)
Column Style - Right (Image align right)
Plain Style
Plain Style - Left (Image align left)
Plain Style - Right (Image align right)
Default Style
Default Style - Left (Image align left)
Default Style - Right (Image align right)