When you login to the system, then go to Page Management menu from left side menu. Page Management Control Panel will be appeared. Seperate into 5 rows - Company Profile, Home, Content, Presentation, Inquiry.
If this is your first time here.,you need to create Company Profile Page first, else, you cannot create other pages.
Click 'Create' button in the column of language you want to create.
Now, the form is appeared,there are some informations needed to fill in textbox :
+ Company Name
+ Company Slogan
+ Representative Name & Position
+ Business & Produce
+ Address, Tel, E-mail
and other important matters
+ Menu Name
'Company Profile' is default, but you can change as you desire. + Title Bar Name, Footer
Your company name is default, but you can change as you desire.
+ Order No.
Fill in the order number of menu that will be shown in any pages. Sort by min-to-max.
+ Title, Detail, Image
You can create paragraph about your company summary at the top of company profile list. And also upload related picture such as logo or image of factory. Only JPG and PNG file will be allowed. + Business Description (SEO)
Fill in words about company, product or service of company.
+ Title Color, Detail Title Color
Can change color of Title and Detail Title from the list in system.
Click 'SAVE' button at the bottom of form when you finish.
- Every textbox that has * in front of label is required information.
- Every textbox that has grey background is global value that will use for all language.
After that, back to Page Management Control Panel. The name of page you just saved will be appeared with some option icon :
View Edit
Refer to sample picture, creating Japanese Company Profile Page. Only icons in Japanese column (first column) is appeared that mean you can create, edit, view another pages. For example , if you would like to create Thai Page of Company Profile, click 'Edit' icon (pencil) in the Thai column (middle column). When you go to the form, you will see some information already filled or selected at the grey background textbox, that are global value.
Can view the result page by click
and edit by click
If the result does't show, please refresh your browser by hitting F5 button on your keyboard.